Search Results
cat:rest-api (cat:rest-api (url-encode))
Results 1–10 of 10 for cat:rest-api (cat:rest-api (url-encode))
POST /manage/v2/security/manage/v2/security (POST)…/manage/v2/security (post)…manage…v2 |
GET /v1/qbe/v1/qbe (GET)…/v1/qbe (get)…v1…qbe |
POST /v1/graphs/sparql/v1/graphs/sparql (POST)…/v1/graphs/sparql (post)…v1…graphs |
POST /admin/v1/init/admin/v1/init (POST)…/admin/v1/init (post)…admin…v1 |
POST /admin/v1/cluster-config/admin/v1/cluster-config (POST) /admin/v1/cluster-config (post) admin v1 cluster config post Provide host or cluster configuration information suitable for adding a new host to an existing cluster.... |
GET /v1/graphs/sparql/v1/graphs/sparql (GET)…/v1/graphs/sparql (get)…v1…graphs |
POST /admin/v1/instance-admin/admin/v1/instance-admin (POST) /admin/v1/instance-admin (post) admin v1 instance admin post Install the admin username and password, and initialize the security database and objects. The format of... |
GET /admin/v1/server-config/admin/v1/server-config (GET) /admin/v1/server-config (get) admin v1 server config Retrieve MarkLogic Server configuration information, suitable for use in joining a cluster. The MIME type of the... |
POST /v1/documents/protection/v1/documents/protection (POST)…/v1/documents/protection (post)…v1…documents |
POST /v1/qbe/v1/qbe (POST) /v1/qbe (post) v1 qbe post Search the database using a Query By Example or perform a multi-document read for documents that match a Query By Example. The QBE is passed in the request... |