If you’ve used XQuery for any length of time, you’ve noticed that it supports a flexible system of types and function to handle dates, times, and durations. You can subtract two xs:dateTime
items to produce a duration. You can add a duration to an xs:dateTime
item to produce a new xs:dateTime
You can also cast a string to an xs:dateTime
, and format an xs:dateTime
to a string– but only if you can work in ISO-8601 format. There’s no built-in function to map non-ISO-8601 dates to xs:dateTime
, and no built-in way to reformat xs:dateTime
items to non-ISO8601 strings.
If you’re working with Java, though, you can easily map Java Date objects to the ISO-8601 format:
import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class ISO8601Utilities { private static DateFormat m_ISO8601Local = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); public static String formatDateTime() { return formatDateTime (new Date()); } public static String formatDateTime (Date date) { if (date == null) { return formatDateTime (new Date()); } // format in (almost) ISO8601 format String dateStr = m_ISO8601Local.format (date); // remap the timezone from 0000 to 00:00 (starts at char 22) return dateStr.substring (0, 22) + ":" + dateStr.substring (22); } }
This class gives you a couple of handy static methods for formatting Java Date objects as ISO-8601 strings. From there, a simple xs:dateTime()
cast will get you an XQuery xs:dateTime
What if you want to read an xs:dateTime
item from the database, and use it as a Java Date object? XCC does most of this work for you:
// we already have an XCC Session sess and a // String query that returns just one xs:dateTime item. Date theDate = null; Request req = sess.newAdhocQuery("current-dateTime()"); ResultSequence rs = sess.submitRequest(req); theDate = (XSDateTime)(rs.next().getItem()).asDate(); // closing the session will also clean up the result sequence sess.close();
What if you have already loaded a slew of documents into your database, and you want to transform human-readable dates into ISO-8601 format? You can use XQuery to map any consistently-formatted string to ISO-8601. Here is one example:
xquery version "1.0-ml"; declare function javaDateToDate ($javaDate as xs:string?) as xs:dateTime? { if (empty($javaDate)) then () else let $months := ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec") (: canonical form: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss :) let $javaRegex := "(w+)s+(d+),s+(d+)s+(dd?):([d:]+)s+(AM|PM)" let $year := replace($javaDate, $javaRegex, "$3") let $month := replace($javaDate, $javaRegex, "$1") let $day := replace($javaDate, $javaRegex, "$2") let $hour := replace($javaDate, $javaRegex, "$4") let $mmss := replace($javaDate, $javaRegex, "$5") let $ampm := replace($javaDate, $javaRegex, "$6") let $hour24 := if ($ampm = "PM") then xs:string( (12 + xs:integer($hour)) mod 24) else xs:string($hour) let $monthNumber := index-of($months, $month) let $month00 := if ($monthNumber lt 10) then string-join(("0", xs:string($monthNumber)), "") else xs:string($monthNumber) let $day00 := if (xs:integer($day) lt 10) then string-join(("0", $day), "") else $day let $hour00 := if (xs:integer($hour24) lt 10) then string-join(("0", $hour24), "") else $hour24 return xs:dateTime(string-join(( string-join(($year, $month00, $day00), "-"), "T", string-join(($hour00, $mmss), ":")), "")) }; (: javaDateToDate :)
This function parses the output of the Java Date object’s toString()
method, and returns an ISO-8601 item. It’s best, though, if you can arrange to insert all your date-time information as ISO-8601, in the first place.
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