
You want to disable or delete a template. In order to do so, it must be re-inserted in a disabled state with the same URI.


Applies to MarkLogic versions 9.0+

In order to disable templates in an XQuery Query Console:

  • Set the Database to the project’s Schema database.
  • Set $content-db to the project’s Content database.
  • Set $uris to a sequence of URIs corresponding to the templates to be disabled.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace tde = "" at "/MarkLogic/tde.xqy";
let $content-db := "data-hub-FINAL"
let $uris := (
for $uri in $uris
  let $doc := fn:doc($uri)
  let $permissions := xdmp:document-get-permissions($uri)
  let $new-doc := document {
    element tde:template {
      element tde:enabled { fn:false() },
      $doc/tde:template/node()[fn:node-name(.) ne xs:QName('tde:enabled')]
  return xdmp:invoke-function(
    function() {
      let $_ := tde:template-insert($uri, $new-doc, $permissions)
      return "'"||$uri||"' disabled"
    map:entry("database", xdmp:database($content-db))

Required Privileges:

  • tde-admin
  • rest-reader


This script iterates over the sequence of URIs. For each URI, get the template document and its permissions, build a new document with enabled set to false, and insert it into the content database with the same URI and permissions. Once re-indexing is complete, the template is safe to delete or leave in the schema database.

This script can also be used to enable disabled templates by changing the enabled element constructor to true, and changing the printed statement after insertion.

Learn More

TDE Technical Resources

Explore all the resources related to Template Driven Extraction (TDE).

Enable & Disable Templates

Read how to enable, disable, and delete templates.

MarkLogic Data Integration

Use your development skills to integrate data from silos to create an operational data hub.

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