Search Results

Results 21–30 of 60 for cat:function/javascript ((cts:reference) AND cat:function)

Function pages


cts.geospatialElementPairReference cts.geospatialelementpairreference cts geospatialelementpairreference /apidoc/11.0/cts:geospatial-element-pair-reference.xml Creates a reference to a geospatial...
Function pages


cts.geospatialJsonPropertyChildReference cts.geospatialjsonpropertychildreference cts geospatialjsonpropertychildreference /apidoc/11.0/cts:geospatial-json-property-child-reference.xml Creates a...
Function pages


cts.jsonPropertyReference cts.jsonpropertyreference cts jsonpropertyreference /apidoc/11.0/cts:json-property-reference.xml Creates a reference to a JSON property value lexicon, for use as a...
Function pages


cts.varianceP cts.variancep cts variancep /apidoc/11.0/cts:variance-p.xml Returns a frequency-weighted variance of the population given a value lexicon. This function works like math:variance-p...
Function pages


cts.linearModel cts.linearmodel cts linearmodel /apidoc/11.0/cts:linear-model.xml Returns a linear model that fits the frequency-weighted data set. The input data is a co-occurrence, formed from...
Function pages


cts.pathReference cts.pathreference cts pathreference /apidoc/11.0/cts:path-reference.xml Creates a reference to a path value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. Since lexicons are...
Function pages


cts.iriReference cts.irireference cts irireference /apidoc/11.0/cts:iri-reference.xml Creates a reference to the URI lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. This function requires the...
Function pages


cts.geospatialAttributePairReference cts.geospatialattributepairreference cts geospatialattributepairreference /apidoc/11.0/cts:geospatial-attribute-pair-reference.xml Creates a reference to a...
Function pages


cts.elementAttributeReference cts.elementattributereference cts elementattributereference /apidoc/11.0/cts:element-attribute-reference.xml Creates a reference to an element attribute value lexicon,...
Function pages


temporal.axisGetStart temporal.axisgetstart temporal axisgetstart /apidoc/11.0/temporal:axis-get-start.xml This function returns the range index used to define the start of the period by the named...