Please note: Roxy is a robust, mature and useful project. However, over the past few years, MarkLogic has developed newer tools which collectively replicate most or all of Roxy’s features. These new projects are more active than Roxy at this time, so we suggest they be used for new development. Roxy may not be supported in the next version of MarkLogic.
The main features in Roxy have been: deployment, scaffolding a full application, and testing.
- Deployment is typically now done using ml-gradle. ml-gradle has support for migrating from a Roxy deployment to an ml-gradle deployment for those who wish to do so.
- Scaffolding a new application is typically done using a slush-based template generator. There is one for full-stack JavaScript development using node.js and one for applications with a light Java middle tier using Spring Boot.
- Testing has been absorbed into marklogic-unit-test where Roxy users will see the same familiar code libraries and testing GUIs, but with updates and additional features. This functionality is packaged in a way that makes it easier to use in other contexts, outside of Roxy.
Roxy is a cross-platform, multiple-environment utility for configuring and deploying MarkLogic applications. Using Roxy, you can define your app servers, databases, forests, groups, tasks, etc. in local configuration files. Roxy can then remotely create, update, and remove those settings from the command line. Roxy also provides scaffolding to help you build REST API extensions.
Roxy comes with three separate useful components:
- Roxy Deployer – Roxy Deployer makes managing MarkLogic application easy. Simply edit a few configuration files and you have full access to create and deploy applications to MarkLogic servers, local or remote. Roxy Deployer is written in Ruby and is easily extended to add additional functionality. The Deployer can be used independently of the other two components.
- Roxy mVC – For building pure XQuery applications, the mVC (with a de-emphasis on m) is a light-weight MVC framework fashioned after Ruby on Rails and CakePHP. It relies heavily on **Convention over Configuration**.
- Roxy Unit Tester – What good is your code if it doesn’t work? Testing is paramount to the development process. The Roxy Unit Tester tests XQuery with XQuery. Write your tests in XQuery and run them from the UI or from the command line. Roxy Unit Tester produces JUnit XML output so you can use it with your favorite continuous testing tool.
There are a series of tutorials available and screencasts available as well.
RObust XQuerY Framework is a lightweight framework for quickly developing easily maintained XQuery applications. Roxy was heavily inspired by Ruby On Rails and CakePHP.
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