Search Results
cat:recipe (tag:javascript (tag:xquery (tag:xquery)))
Results 1–10 of 11 for cat:recipe (tag:javascript (tag:xquery (tag:xquery)))
Find documents that do NOT have an elementFind documents that do NOT have an element…Dave Cassel…2017-06-15T05:22:08.107287-07:00…2017-07-06T10:03:48.016116-07:00 |
Getting the size of a non-binary documentGetting the size of a non-binary document…Christopher Lindblad…2016-12-20T13:18:36.295011-08:00…2017-06-19T11:14:35.316579-07:00 |
Find the host names in a clusterFind the host names in a cluster…Mark Plotnick…2017-01-04T11:54:01.266755-08:00…2017-01-04T11:54:01.266755-08:00 |
Find documents that do NOT have a JSON PropertyFind documents that do NOT have a JSON Property…Dave Cassel…2017-06-19T09:50:07.744044-07:00…2017-07-06T10:04:06.085525-07:00 |
Move or Rename a DocumentMove or Rename a Document…Dave Cassel…2017-06-19T10:48:25.547316-07:00…2017-06-20T04:01:58.004074-07:00 |
Group By SumGroup By Sum…Dave Cassel…2017-06-19T14:43:04.815461-07:00…2017-07-19T09:23:02.620721-07:00 |
Sort results to promote recent documentsSort results to promote recent documents…Dave Cassel…2017-05-22T11:38:17.549342-07:00…2017-07-11T12:45:58.566407-07:00 |
Select Documents Based on Criteria in Joined DocumentsSelect Documents Based on Criteria in Joined Documents…Dave Cassel…2017-07-13T16:18:56.990863-07:00…2017-07-19T09:45:34.004023-07:00 |
MLCP Transform to Change Date FormatMLCP Transform to Change Date Format…Frank Pacione…Dave Cassel…2017-01-04T07:09:45.244161-08:00 |
Extract Content from Retrieved Documents Using the Optic APIExtract Content from Retrieved Documents Using the Optic API…Dave Cassel…Erik Hennum…2017-07-13T14:26:03.681025-07:00 |