Search Results
cat:rest-api (forest-status)
Results 1–5 of 5 for cat:rest-api (forest-status)
GET /manage/v2?view=status/manage/v2@view=status (GET)…/manage/v2@view=status (get)…manage…v2 |
GET /manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}?view=status/manage/v2/hosts/[id-or-name]@view=status (GET) /manage/v2/hosts/[id-or-name]@view=status (get) manage v2 hosts id name view status This resource address returns status information on a specific... |
GET /manage/v2/forests/{id|name}?view=counts/manage/v2/forests/[id-or-name]@view=counts (GET) /manage/v2/forests/[id-or-name]@view=counts (get) manage v2 forests id name view counts Retrieve count information about a forest. The forest can... |
GET /manage/v2/forests?view=counts/manage/v2/forests@view=counts (GET) /manage/v2/forests@view=counts (get) manage v2 forests view counts This resource address returns count information about all the forests in the cluster. The... |
GET /manage/v2/forests/{id|name}?view=status/manage/v2/forests/[id-or-name]@view=status (GET) /manage/v2/forests/[id-or-name]@view=status (get) manage v2 forests id name view status Retrieve status information about the named forest. The... |