Welcome to the MarkLogic Introduction video tutorial series. Learn about the MarkLogic NoSQL database, the use cases for MarkLogic, and many more topics. The Introduction to MarkLogic video tutorials are available in several languages.
This course gives a high-level overview of MarkLogic and some of its key features.
Learn about the MarkLogic NoSQL database, its features, and use cases,
이 강좌는 MarkLogic의 주요 기능 중 일부를 간단하게 소개합니다.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Korean.
Este curso ofrece una visión general de alguna de las funcionalidades clave de MarkLogic.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Spanish.
This course, with audio and text in Arabic, gives a high level overview of some of MarkLogic’s key features.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Arabic.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Japanese.
This course, with audio and text in Hebrew, gives a high level overview of some of MarkLogic’s key features.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Hebrew.
Cette formation offre une vue d’ensemble des principales fonctionnalités de MarkLogic et comprend une démonstration de Samplestack, une application 3-tiers utilisant MarkLogic pour l’accès aux données.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in French.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Chinese.
This course, with audio in Svenska, gives a high level overview of some of MarkLogic’s key features.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Svenska.
This course, with Deutsch audio, gives a high level overview of some of MarkLogic’s key features.
Learn about MarkLogic’s NoSQL database, its features, and use cases, presented in Deutsch.
This is a demonstration of MarkLogic’s 3-tier reference application, Samplestack. The demonstration includes MarkLogic features such as search, security, document updates and transactions.
Learn about SampleStack, MarkLogic’s 3-tier reference architecture. See MarkLogic features implemented in a Java-based, 3-tier application stack.
This self-paced tutorial teaches you about MarkLogic Semantics. By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to, describe Semantic data, triples and triple store, create a MarkLogic database to use as a triple store, create Semantic indexes, load RDF data into the MarkLogic triple store using MarkLogic Content Pump, test the triple store database via a REST api, query triples using SPARQL, query triples using XQuery.
Learn about Semantics, triples and how MarkLogic can be used as a triple store. Discover methods of indexing triples for fast queries and loading Resource Description Framework (RDF) data using MarkLogic’s Content Pump. Learn about querying using the SPARQL language, the standard for querying RDF data.
Cette vidéo présente les différentes technologies et normes de la Sémantique des données, l’entrepôt de triplets MarkLogic ainsi qu’une démonstration de l’application Geophoto qui illustre les concepts abordés.
Presented in French, learn about Semantics and semantic data in MarkLogic. See a demonstration of searching semantic data combined with document data using an example Node application called “GeoPhoto”.
L’objectif de cette vidéo est d’expliquer les concepts liés aux données géospatiales et montrer leur application avec MarkLogic.
Presented in French, learn about geospatial data and searches in MarkLogic.
Read the methodologies, concepts, and use cases related to application development in MarkLogic Server, with additional resources.
Want to build that awesome app? Get off the ground quickly with the developer track, with instructor-led and self-paced courses.
This series of short videos tutorials takes developers who are new to MarkLogic from download to data hub, fast.
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